Are you curious about how health coaching can help you? Let’s talk!

Being healthy doesn’t have to be hard!

No one diet works for everyone. I will guide you to find the right food and lifestyle choices that work for you. I will also help you make gradual, lifelong changes that will help you reach your current and future health and lifestyle goals.

When was the last time you received personal attention you deserved and talked with someone about your health?


“Amy’s manner is very positive and reassuring. She is a natural coach and nurturer. Anyone can interact with her without feeling intimidated and will feel very supported and safe.” 

Recently retired professional

“Amy has been a great motivator, advisor and support system. She has led me on the path of transformation by helping me make positive changes and set and achieve goals that have been totally realistic. For that I am grateful!”

Middle- aged woman dealing with multiple health challenges and life transitions

“In my first session, I gained several tools and resources that I can put into practice immediately to enhance me and my family’s life.” 

Mom of child with Type 1 Diabetes

The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. ~ Hippocrates

No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance. The first rule is to stop interfering with nature. ~Deepak Chopra

All diseases begin in the gut. ~Hippocrates

The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise, and diet. ~Wayne Fields

Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. ~Hippocrates

The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well. ~Hippocrates

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